October 21, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, for Quality
100m jog

8/8 BB Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

6 (Inchworm Push-Up + Squat to stand)

:30sec Weighted BB Dead-Bug (barbell)

10/10 Glute Bridge March

B: Deadlift (5x4)

Every 2:30, 5 Sets

Set 1: 4 reps

Set 2: 4 reps

Set 3: 4 reps

Set 4: 4 reps

Set 5: 4 reps

*Start @ 65-70% and work towards a heavy 4 for the day

*These reps are performed with a dead stop. Reset on each pull.

Do not go TNG.

Goal: ~80%

*Record set 5

C: Bar Muscle-Up Progressioin

Go over Box Bar Muscle-Up

Go Over Banded Bar Muscle-Up

Scaling mods for the workout

D: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)


Bar Muscle-Ups

30 Double Unders Each Set

Goal: 6-9 Rounds

*Focus is building efficiency with the Bar Muscle-Up. By starting low and having a ladder of increasing reps we are ensuring athletes have enough time to practice and build throughout the workout. We can utilize a lot of different drills and modifications today to have athletes work towards getting their first muscle-up or increasing their ability to do more in a shortened time period.

R+: as prescribed

Rx: 2 Strict Pull-Ups + 2 Strict Dips per 1 Bar Muscle-Up

SUB: Banded Bar Muscle-Ups or Box Bar Muscle-Ups

or Burpee Jumping Pull-Up

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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