October 12, 2020 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

10 Banded Pass Throughs

10 Banded Pull Aparts

10 up dog to Down Dog

10 alt Shoulder Taps

10 Straight Leg Sit-ups

10 Hollow Hold

10 Arch Hold

10 Banded Pass Throughs (More Narrow)

B: Bar Muscle-Up Stamina

5 Rounds, based on your specific percentages:

35% Max Bar Muscle-Ups (sub C2B pull ups or pull ups or Ring Rows, Home sub Pendlay Rows)

3 Power Cleans (R+185/135, Rx155/115)

Rest 1:00 between sets.

Set 1: Max Bar Muscle-ups+ 3 Power Cleans

Set 2: Max Bar Muscle-ups+ 3 Power Cleans

Set 3: Max Bar Muscle-ups + 3 Power Cleans

Set 4: Max Bar Muscle-ups + 3 Power Cleans

Set 5: Max Bar Muscle-ups + 3 Power Cleans

C: Metcon (Time)


Power Cleans (R+115/75, Rx 95/65)

Hand Release Push-ups



Push Press

Toes to Bar

*Stimulus: 12-20min

*Home T2B =v-ups

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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