October 11, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Clean + Overhead Warm-Up
3 Rounds, For Quality (10:00 Cap)

1:00 Row, Ski or Bike

5 High Hang Muscle Clean and Press (Empty Barbell)

5 Double DB Squat Cleans

5 Tall Box Jumps (try and land with legs as straight as possible)

:20-:30 Handstand Hold (Wall Supported)

B: Warm-up (No Measure)

5 High Hang Muscle Clean

5 High Hang Sq Cleans w/Pause in Catch

5 Hang Sq Clean

*Athletes can stay with empty barbell

C: Hang Clean (High Hang Sq Clean + Hang Sq Clean)

Every 2:00, 7 Sets

2+2, x 3 Sets @ 60%

2+1, x 2 Sets @ 65%

1+2, x 2 Sets @ 70%

*High Hang = Hip Crease

*Hang =Top of the Knee

*Focus today is speed under the barbell and pulling yourself into a quality catch position.


2+2 = 2 From High Hang + 2 From Hang

2+1 = 2 From High Hang + 1 From Hang

1+2 = 1 From High Hang + 2 From Hang

Work on positions. The high hang position is challenging, therefore, focus on speed, fast elbows and pulling under the bar at 60-65% of 1RM. Note, at 70%, only 1 high hang and 2 hang position.

*Record set 7

D: Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

2:30 AMRAP, 1:00 Rest, 4 Sets

23/16 Row or Ski or 16/12 Cal Bike

10 Burpee Box Jump overs (R+24/20, Rx20/16″)

- Max Double DB Thrusters (R+45/25, Rx 35/15)

*Focus today is on a little high heart rate while maintaining tension and stability during the thrusters. We want athletes to finish Cals around a minute, finish the burpee box jump overs in 40-50 seconds and have 30+ seconds for max DB Thrusters for each AMRAP.

Goal: 10+ Reps/Round

R+: as prescribed

Rx: 8 Burpee Box Jump overs

SUB: 6 Burpee Box Step overs

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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