January 5, 2022 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds for quality
100m run

:30sec Jump Rope

8 Rolling Push-Ups

:15sec Dead-Hang + :15sec Active Hang

8 Bar Kip Swings

B: Bar Muscle-ups (Progressions)

-Banded Bar Muscle-Ups

-Box Bar Muscle-Ups

C: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

3 Sets, Each for Time

8 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups

72 Double Unders (150 single unders)

400m Run

R: 4:00 b/s

Goal: 3:00-5:00/Round, 17:00-23:00 Running Time

Time Cap: 25:00

We can hit the burpee bar muscle-up as 8 burpees then go into 8 banded bar muscle-ups or 8 box bar muscle-ups. We could also go to the burpee chest to bar pull-ups or burpee pull-ups, and finally progressing down to a burpee jumping pull-up would be a great modification for the majority. Bike 22/17 Cals

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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