HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
A: Handstand Push-ups (Strict Handstand Push-up Conditioning off box )
100% of Max Strict Handstand Push-ups
80% of Max Strict Handstand Push-ups
60% of Max Strict Handstand Push-ups
80% of Max Strict Handstand Push-ups
100% of Max Strict Handstand Push-ups
Rest 1 Minute Between All Sets
we will do this again
One foot on box
Two feet on box
knees on box
DB strict press
B: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
250m Run
20 Lateral Burpees Over DB
20 DB Renegade Row (R+50/35, Rx 40/25)
Rest 2 Minutes
250m Run
16 Lateral Burpees Over DB
16 DB Renegade Row w/ push up
Rest 2 Minutes
250m Run
12 Lateral Burpees Over DB
12 DB Man Maker
Man maker = Row R row L push up sq clean thruster
* try and finish at least one round of each
*250m =1 rep
Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized