Workout of the day

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Friday 10.01.10
Work up to a 1RM

4 Rounds of:
Row 500m
Rest 3 min

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San Carlos CrossFit battles CrossFit Palo Alto down on their turf, tomorrow at 11am. Come cheer the team!

Big shout to our athletes running the big distances this weekend! Jim, Oliver, Devon, Rujeko, and Dana....we are rooting for your success!

If you missed the CF Journal Video on Training for the Ironman, don't [wmv] [mov]


Wednesday 09.29.10
Bench Press

AMRAP 15 minutes:
100m Farmer's Walk (50/30# Dumbells)
12 Overhead Squats
24 Sit-ups

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Pedram our resident facebook ninja

After posting this blog post directly to our Facebook page, I decided it was a topic worth repeating...stay coachable. Thanks Freddy.

W.O.D. Drunk | Blogs | SICFIT courtesy of
By Freddy Camacho | CrossFit O.G. and Owner of One World The first time I heard Greg Glassman speak was at my CrossFit Level I Trainer Certification back in July of 2006. Greg started off a lecture with this quote: “Men will die for p...


Monday 09.27.10

On the minute, every minute, for 10 minutes:
5 Thruster (115/75#)
5 Burpees

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Big thanks to Saul at Mad Dawg Fitness for hosting Fight Gone Bad 5, and letting us crash the party! SCCF raised over $2000, thank you to all of those who contributed!!

primal |ˈprīməl|
essential; fundamental

PRIMAL "Celebrating Fire Cooking, Meat & the Art of Butchering"

The name of the event that I attended up in Napa Valley this weekend, conjured up images of just that...essential...fundamental.

And to think that we have to now create a celebration for something that is so embedded in our DNA is remarkable and embarrassing to some degree. After thousands of years living primally, we have created a world of conveniences that have desensitized and devalued us to that which really matters. The good news is there is this huge shift in paradigm where everything primal is attractive and being devoured at a rapid pace.  A good friend of mine used to say, "get in touch with your inner chimp."  He was right.  As CrossFitters, we are doing this every time we step into the gym and sort through fundamental movements, share food, share thoughts, stress inoculate, stress relieve, lift heavy things, sprint, jump, play and thrive.  Whether its human movement, human diet, or human spirit, primal is where we are moving and it's a good sign.  Paleo Nutrition, CrossFit, Primal Blueprint, S.P.E.A.R., Whole9, MovNat, Mobility, essential, fundamental....


"Why Combatives?" with Kelly Starrett - video [wmv] [mov] courtesy of

S.P.E.A.R. System and Personal Defense Readiness (PDR) Seminar
Highlighted Topics:
S.P.E.A.R. System Basics
Performance Psychology & Fear Management
Personal Safety & Awareness
What Are Your Natural Tools?
Combining CrossFit with PDR skills

October 9th, 9 to 4pm (open to the public)
October 10th, 10 to 4pm (Police/Mil/Fire Only)

San Carlos CrossFit
551 Taylor Way, Unit 4
San Carlos, CA 94070

The HOW:
1-day $99 adv/$149 door
2-day $149 adv/$199 door (Police/Mil/Fire Only)

Protect Yourself and Be Your Own Bodyguard HERE


Friday 09.17.10
Accumulate 5 minutes in Hanging L-Sit

Accumulate 5 minutes in Handstand

10 Rounds of "Cindy" for time:
5 Pull-up
10 Push-up
15 Squat

post how you broke up the static holds and times to comments

After watching this...

"The Bear-Hug Drill Revisited" with Tony Blauer, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] courtesy of

figure out how you are going to come play with SCCF this Saturday for Round 2 of the Weekend Warrior Series, as we face off against CrossFit Moxie. Our free workout will start at 9:30, with the competition starting at 11am, followed by a BBQ, music, and a visit by the Jett Cakes truck!


Monday 09.13.10
"Quarter Gone Bad"
Five rounds for total reps of:
135 pound Thrusters, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
50 pound Weighted pull-ups, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds

Post total reps to comments.


We're proud to announce that SCCF is hosting a rare training opportunity with Tony Blauer on October 9th and 10th, 2010.

Considering that the martial arts and law enforcement are near and dear to the heart and soul of our facility, we are really psyched to bring this training opportunity to our clients, local colleagues and peers.

Regardless of your age, sex or training background, the 1-day clinic on Saturday, October 9th, is aimed to instill the everyday citizen with knowledge of important instinctual mechanisms and defense tactics worth their weight in gold. Tony will empower you to BE YOUR OWN BODYGUARD, and show how self defense training and CrossFit training can be combined. Don't miss this opportunity!

S.P.E.A.R. System and Personal Defense Readiness (PDR) Seminar
Highlighted Topics:
S.P.E.A.R. System Basics
Performance Psychology & Fear Management
Personal Safety & Awareness
What Are Your Natural Tools?
Combining CrossFit with PDR skills

October 9th, 9 to 4pm (open to the public)
October 10th, 10 to 4pm (Police/Mil/Fire Only)

San Carlos CrossFit
551 Taylor Way, Unit 4
San Carlos, CA 94070

The HOW:
1-day $99 adv/$149 door
2-day $149 adv/$199 door (Police/Mil/Fire Only)


Space is limited. Direct questions to


Highlights from Blauer Tactical seminar at CrossFit Brand X [wmv][mov]
Origins of SPEAR, TonyBlauer [wmv][mov]
Function, with Tony Blauer [wmv][mov]
Saving Private Ryan Drill, Tony Blauer [wmv][mov]
ATM Strategy, Tony Blauer [wmv][mov]

courtesy of


Blauer Tactical Systems (BTS), is one of the world's leading consulting companies specializing in the research and development of close quarter tactics & scenario-based training for law enforcement, military and professional self-defense instructors. BTS's approach to fear management, scenario analysis, pre-contact cue break down is now used by the world's most skilled coaches, trainers and warriors.


Tuesday 08.31.10
For time:
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (10!)
Ring Dips
Cleans (135/95)

rest 5 minutes

For time:
100 Abmat Sit-ups

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San Mateo County ERT getting in on

After throwing down this morning's workout, came the 2nd workout of the day....tackling Groupon requests!!! We quickly understood how this company is, according to Forbes mag, "the fastest growing company ever" Will SCCF, become the fastest growing box on the peninsula, ever??? That remains to be seen, but the response has been amazing.  Thank you to all  for showing interest in our program! Given the volume, here are some important things to note:

- Our ON-RAMP program is currently be revamped, and we are accommodating all new clients by integrating them right into a group problemo! If this changes we will let you know, as we realize the groupon is good til March 1 of Twenty Eleven.

- Please contact us to set up a time for your 1st class, so you can get the attention you deserve...i.e. don't just show up

- Bring your game face and come have some fun

Signing off

It's not going to be easy, it's going to be worth it.


Give us a call or shoot us a text


Send us an email

Drop on by

551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

[contact-form-7 id="4893" title="Sign up"]