HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class
A: Metcon (No Measure)
Spend 10 minutes working on handstands:
Holds, pushups, walks, being inverted.
B: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
With a partner, complete:
AMRAP 20 mins
100 DUs (SUB 100 singles+10 attempts)
90 Air squats
80 KBS (R+ 53/35, Rx 44/26)
70 Sit-ups
60 Pullups (SUB kneeling ring pullups)
50 Box jumps (R+ 24/20", Rx 20/16)
40 Toes2Bar (R+ T2B, Rx Hanging leg raise)
30 Push press (R+ 45/33, Rx 33/15)
20 Squat cleans (R+ 45/33, Rx 33/15)
10 Handstand push-ups (SUB 1 minute handstand hold each)
Published by: Staff in Blog
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