October 31, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

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A: Metcon (Time)

For Time: 8min Cap

21 Vups/Knee-ups

42 Push-ups

15 Vups/Knee-ups

30 Push-ups

9 Vups/Knee-ups

18 Push-ups

B: Metcon (No Measure)

Arms/Shoulders: Tabata style – 2 Rounds

Tabata = :20sec work, :10sec rest (in this case, static position)

**Go ALL out during the work portion**

Pair of DB/KB 5/2.5 plates

Bicep Curls

Strict Press

Bent Over Rows

Side Lateral Delt Raises

Front Delt Raises

**During rest, HOLD in a static position***

REST 1MIN…Then start Round 2

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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