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Did you guys know that Rope Climbing was an Olympic event but was removed from that venue after the 1932 Games.  It took  CrossFit to bring rope climbing back into the spot light.  Enjoy the climbs..


What if it were possible to achieve the core and abdominal strength of a world class gymnast. Well guess what – it is possible to do it if you master the L-Sit.

  • With bent knees. You can start with this version if you feel you are lacking the strength or hamstring flexibility to do the movement with straight legs.
  • With straight legs. Once you are comfortable doing the L-sit with your knees bent, try the straight leg version. The farther your legs are from your body, the tougher it is.

There you have it. There are now no excuses not to build yourself a brick breaking set of abs.



Flexibility is one of the most important components of physical fitness. However it is usually forgotten,  not many people can actually do it. Its probably because there are no AMRAPs that say do as many splits as possible in 5 minutes! However a lack of flexibility can result in reduced performance. For example, if you lack flexibility in your lats, you may find it difficult to maintain a front rack position for your clean and jerk, thruster or front squat. Make sure you make some time to work on your flexibility,  it might determine your next PR.


Congratulations to the Tough SCCF peeps and friends.   They competed and completed the Awesome Tough Mudder this past weekend.   Congratulations guys.. you rock!!


It's not going to be easy, it's going to be worth it.


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