Workout of the day

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HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

A: Hang Power Snatch

EMOM for 12min

1 Hang Power Snatch

*Stay in the 70-85% range of 1RM

B: Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

21 Wallballs (R+20/14, Rx 16/12)

7 Hang Power Snatches (R+135/95, Rx 115/75)

2 Rope Climbs (Sub 6 Rope K2E)


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

A: Back Squat

Pause Backsquat (3 sec hold at the bottom) 3×5

*Stay in the 75-85% range

B: Metcon (Time)


Front Rack Alt Forward Step Lunges (R+135/95, Rx 115/75)

Ring Rows

Rest 2min


Chest to Bar Pullups

Front Squats (R+155/105, Rx125/85)


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

A: Metcon (Time)

In teams of 4

1-10 ladder of DB Thrusters (R+55/35, Rx 45/25) and KBS (R+53/35, Rx44/26)

P1 does 1 KBS

P2 does 1 DBT

P3 does 1 KBS

P4 does 1 DBT

Only one person can work at a time and the wt must never be put down or the team will have to start at rep 1. Then:

P1 does 2 KBS

P2 does 2 DBT

P3 does 2 KBS

P4 does 2 DBT

continue until team reaches 10 reps. Then if you where KBS you switch to DBT and if you where DBT switch to KBS and do the whole thing again


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

A: Metcon (No Measure)

4 Rounds

10 Pendlay Rows

10 Ring Push ups with external rotation at the top

10 GHD Situps

50ft HS Walk or 3-5 Wall Walks

B: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

E2MOM for 5 Rounds

12-15 Burpees To Plate (R+men & women 45lb plate, Rx men & women 25lb plate)

15 V-ups (arm and legs must be straight and touch your toes)


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

A: Metcon (No Measure)

4 Rounds

15 GHD Hip Extension

15 Ring Dips

15 Good Mornings (you pick wt.)

15 Barbell Rollouts

1-5 MU or C2B pull ups (work on MU progressions)

B: Metcon (Calories)

15 Rounds

30Sec on/:30Sec off

Max Calorie Row or Bike


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

A1: Push Jerk

5x (2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk)

*Start at 70% of 1RM Push Jerk

A2: Metcon (Weight)

5x 5-7 Strict C2B Pullups (weighted)

B: Metcon (Time)


Toes to Bar

OH Squats (R+115/75, Rx 95/65)

Burpees Over Bar

Rest 2min


Toes to Bar

OH Squats (R+135/95, Rx 115/75)

Burpees Over Bar

Come on in. Your first class is on us


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551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

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