Workout of the day

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HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

5 Inchworms

:30 Second Hollow Hold

:30 Handstand Hold or inverted on box/chair

:30 superman Hold

5 Air Squats (with 3 second pause at the bottom)

B: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Strict Pull-Ups (Sub 5 Single Arm DB/KB Rows or Barbell Rows or table rows)

10 Pushups (Can sub on knees if needed)

15 Jump Air Squats

30 Alt Step ups Box/chair/step/something


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds
15 Knuckle Drags (sub good mornings)

15 Glute Bridges

15 Air Squats or :20 Squat Hold

B: Metcon (No Measure)

With a running clock
A. On the 0:00…

3 Rounds:

20 Alt Jumping Lunges (10 Per Leg)

20 Single Arm Hang DB Snatches

(no equipment Odd-Object Ground-to-Overhead)

On the 7:00…

3 Rounds:

20 Alt Jumping Lunges (10 per Leg)

20 DB Single Arm Power Cleans

(no equipment Odd-Object Odd- Object Step-Ups)

On the 14:00…

3 Rounds:

20 Alt Jumping Lunges (10 per Leg)

20 DB Singe Arm Dumbbell Thrusters

(no equipment Odd-Object thruster)

*If you complete the 3 rounds in less then 7 minutes, please rest the remainder of the time

*On each of the 3 dumbbell movements, please alternate hands every 5 reps

Dumbbell - Rx would be 50/35 or whatever DB or KB you have.


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

Minute 1: :30 Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks

Minute 2: 10 Cossack Squats (Alternating)

Minute 3: 20 Alt Step Back Lunges

Minute 4: :30 Active Dive-bombers

B: Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds For Time:
80 Double-Unders (Scale to 120 singles, Mountain Climbers R/L=2, DB Hop Overs Over/Back=2, 80 Jumping Jacks or about 1 min on Cardio Machine if you have)

40 Sit-Ups

20 DB man makers (push up, row R, row L, sq clean thruster) (no equipment Odd-Object Odd- Object push up, slide R, slide L, sq clean thruster

10 Reverse Burpees


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

:40s Weighted Hollow Hold, 20s Rest

:40s Romanian Deadlifts, :20s Rest

:40s Single Arm OHS Hold (L), :20s Rest

:40s Single Arm OHS Hold (R), :20s Rest

*Completed with a dumbbell or Odd-Object.

B: Metcon (No Measure)

Ascending Ladder for 20:00:

3 DB Single Arm Bent Over Row (R side)

3 DB Single Arm DB Squat Cleans

3 DB Facing Burpees

6 DB Single Arm Bent Over Row (L side)

6 DB Single Arm DB Squat Cleans

6 DB Facing Burpees

*Continue adding 3 reps to each movement

*Athlete's determine when to alternate hands on single arm cleans.

**And are going to get really good and learn to LOVE BURPEES in the next few weeks!!


Ascending Ladder for 20:00:

2 Odd-Object to Shoulder *Get creative

2 Odd-Object Goblet Squats

2 Odd-Object Facing Burpees

4 Odd-Object to Shoulder

4 Odd-Object Goblet Squats

4 Odd- Object Facing Burpees

*Continue to add 2 reps to each movement


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

1) Single Arm Plank - Can be done on hand or elbow. Ex: Right Side for 20 sec, 10 sec Rest, Left Side for 20sec, 10 sec Rest, Right Side for 20 sec..etc

2) Glute Bridges

3) Plank - Alternate each :20 interval between regular plank and plank shoulder taps

4) Flutter Kicks

5) Alt V-ups

6) shoulder to overhead DB,KB, BB, Odd-Object

*We'll work through all 8 tabata rounds of a movement before moving on to the next movement.

*A tabata is :20 Seconds of work :10 of rest

*You'll spend 4 Minutes at each station (8 rounds)

*Total workout time is 24 Minutes

*As always..feel free to modify or spice it up. Contact us with questions.

B: Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Couch Stretch: 2 Minutes Each Side

2. Pike Stretch: 2 Minutes video

3. Child’s Pose: 1 Minute

4. Pigeon Pose: 2 Minutes Each Side

C: Warm-up (No Measure)

15-20 Minute cool down walk in the sun


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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Workout - HOME

A): Metcon (No Measure)


7 inchworms

10 Bulgarian split squats (use a chair to support your leg) ( each leg)

10 scapular push-ups

20 Mountain climbers

100 D.U / 200 Singles or 80 Jumping jacks

Optional Finisher

B): Metcon (Time)

For time:

50 Alternating V-ups

50 Jumping lunges

50 pistols or 60 air squats

400 m Run

50 Alternating V-ups

50 jumping lunges

50 pistols or 60 air squats

Saturday challenge:

Join us on the HGX bingo challenge and tag us ! We will repost it

The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately.


Give us a call or shoot us a text


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Drop on by

551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

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