Workout of the day

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HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds
30sec Jumping Jacks

30sec Single Unders/DU

30sec Up dog Down Dog

30sec Alternating Reverse Lunges

B: Thruster (On the Minute for Max Load:)

1 Barbell Thruster

Females start at R+95/Rx 75 and climb by 5 lbs per round.

Males start at R+135/Rx 95 and climb by 10 lbs per round.

*you can start with the bar racked

Record heavist thruster

C: Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds For Time [30 Minute Cap]
800m Row/Ski or 30/21 cal Bike

80 Double Unders (160 single Unders)

400m Run

20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (R+70/53, Rx 53/44)

10 Kettlebell Box Step Overs (R+24/20, Rx20/16)

*Hold KB any way you want for step overs

*The intended time range for this workout is between 24-30 minutes (8-10 minute rounds)

*Let’s put a hard time cap of 30 minutes on this workout to keep things on track

*Home Cal Sub 60 step ups


HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds

16 DBL DB Box Step Overs (24/20, 20,16)

14 DBL DB Deadlift (50/35, 40,25)

12 DBL DB Power Clean

10 DBL DB Devil Press

8 Toes to DB’s

6 DB Russian Twist

Time Cap: 25min




Strict Pull-Ups




HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

View Public Whiteboard

A. : Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

4 Rounds for Time

10 Hang Squat Cleans (R+ 135/95, Rx 115/75)

20 Toes-to-Bars

30 Wall Ball Shots (R+20/14, Rx 16/12)

Rest 2 minutes

B.: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds

15 Wall ball Sit-Ups

20 Wall ball Russian Twists

10 Right Side Plank Hip Raises

10 Left Side Plank Hip Raises


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

30 Seconds Each:

Spiderman Stretch

PVC Pass Through

Mountain Climbers

PVC Overhead Squats

Frog Hops

PVC Pass Through (More Narrow)

Slow Burpees

PVC Overhead Squats (More Narrow)

B: Metcon (Time)

20 Power Cleans (R+95/65, Rx 75/55)

20 Thrusters

20 Push Presses

20 Hang Power Snatches

20 Overhead Squats

20 Front Squats

On the Minute (Including 0:00): 3 Burpees R+5 Burpees

*Today’s workout includes 6 lightweight barbell movements and one bodyweight movement

*The goal of this barbell conditioning piece is to complete the 120 barbell reps for time

*However, 3 or 5 Burpees at the top of each minute will slow your progress

*After finishing the Burpees, you’ll pick up wherever you left off on the barbell

*We begin the workout with Burpees at the 0:00 and will repeat them on the 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, and so on…

*Stimulus: 12-18min

*25 Minute Time Cap

*Choose weight that you could do 20 reps unbroken

C.: Metcon (Weight)


3 Rounds

10 Romanian Deadlifts

10 Front Rack Forward Step Alt Lunges

*Build up in wt.


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

View Public Whiteboard

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds 1min each

Row Bike or Ski

DU/Single Unders

Glute Bridges

B: Metcon (Weight)

3 Rounds
100m Double DB Farmer's Carry

50m Single Arm OH Carry (Left)

50m Single Arm OH Carry (Right)

40 Weighted AbMat Sit-Ups

*15min time cap

*you pick the wt

C: Metcon (Time)

On the 4:00 x 8 Rounds:

20/15 Cal Row/Ski or 12/9 Cal Bike

250m Run

*Rounds begin on the 0-4-8-12-16-20-24-28

*You’ll complete the 2 stations for time and rest with whatever time remains in the 4-minute window

*Rounds are designed to take around 2 minutes, giving us a rough 1:1 work to rest ratio

*With a good amount of rest built in, the goal is to move with a sense of urgency during each round.

*Record your time for each interval, as your final score will be the slowest of the 8 rounds

*Home Cal Sub 40 step ups


HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

6 Sets


10 DBL DB Push Press (50/35, 40/25)

10 DBL DB Front Squats

10 Burpees over DBs

Max Vups/Knee ups

Rest 2min

B: Metcon (No Measure)


20 Sumo Deadlifts (95,75, 75/55)

10 Stiff Leg Deadlifts

10 BB Front Rack Lunges

10 BB Curtsy Lunges

It's not going to be easy, it's going to be worth it.


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551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

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