Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
3 Sets: For Quality
1:00 Bike Easy / Moderate / Hard
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts
10 Knee Hug + Lunge and Twist
200m Run
1 Wall Walk + 10 second Nose to Wall Handstand Hold
“I Praised the Madman” (4 Rounds for reps)
For Reps:
4 Sets
5:00 AMRAP
1:00 Max Calorie Echo Bike, Assault Bike, or Bike Erg
20 American Kettlebell Swings
400m Run
- Max Distance Handstand Walk
Rest 2:00 minutes b/t sets
Kettlebell Load: (Rx53/35, S 44/26)
Score = Calories on the Bike + Distance on Handstand Walk
5ft /1.5m = 1 Rep on Handstand Walk
Goal: 15/11+ Cals on the Bike and 50ft (15m) on the Handstand Walk / Set
Stimulus: Aerobic Capacity and Gymnastics Skill
RPE: 8/10
Primary Objective: Complete the Bike + American Kettlebell Swings + Run by 4:00 on the running clock before finishing off the final minute with Handstand Walking.
Secondary Objective: Maintain unbroken segments of 10ft / 3m +
Optional Accessories / Core Finisher: (Checkmark)
For Quality:
4 Sets
15 V-Ups
:15 second Hollow Hold
:30 second Extended Plank Hold
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14
CrossFit Kids MLK Bring a Friend day Jan 20th at 3:30-4:15pm breanne@hgxfit.com to reserve a spot
HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT
A: Shoulder Press (Every :90sec
5x5 at 80%)
B: Bench Press (Every 2min
8 reps at 70%
8 reps at 70%
6 reps at 75%
6 reps at 75%
4 reps at 80%
4 reps at 80%
2 reps at 85%
2 reps at 85%)
C: Metcon (No Measure)
5 sets
8 BB close grip bench press (65% of today's heavy 2)
8/8 Medball offset push-ups
8 Medball push-ups (feet on medball)
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14
CrossFit Kids MLK Bring a Friend day Jan 20th at 3:30-4:15pm breanne@hgxfit.com to reserve a spot
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
Rowing Golf Version 2:
Partner 1: Rows to 100m in as Few Strokes as Possible
Partner 2: Tries to Row to 100m in as Few Strokes as Possible
Whom Every Rows the Least Strokes Wins Hole #1
Repeat this for 5 Times
Recording Who Wins Based on Total Stroke Count
2 Sets
8 Scapular Pull-Ups
6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows
8 Scapular Push-Ups
6 Inchworm Push-Ups
:30 seconds Double Under Practice
Then get into specifics and get the workout rolling
“A Hero Can Be Anyone” (3 Rounds for time)
3 Sets: For Time
1000m Row, Combined
Directly into..
8 Alternating Rounds of
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
20 Double Unders (A:40 singles)
- Rest 3:00 minutes between sets
Score = Total Running Time including rest
Goal: 8:00-10:00 / Set
Total Running Time: 33:00-36:00
Time Cap: 40:00
Primary Objective: Complete each set for best overall time by splitting the row evenly and tackling the alternating rounds of the triplet at a fast and steady clip.
Secondary Objective: Maintain consistent transitions and aim to finish each set at a similar pace, demonstrating controlled breathing and efficiency throughout.
Stimulus: A mix of cardiovascular endurance (Row) and muscular stamina (Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, Double Unders).
RPE: ~7/10
PRVN Recovery #9
1:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14
CrossFit Kids MLK Bring a Friend day Jan 20th at 3:30-4:15pm breanne@hgxfit.com to reserve a spot
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
:20/:20 Active Scorpion Stretch
:30 Alternating Active Pigeon Stretch
:20/:20 Samson Stretch
2 Sets: For Quality
5 Snatch Romanian Deadlifts
4 Hang Snatch High Pull
3 Muscle Snatch
2 Overhead Squats
1 Snatch Balance
3 Box Jumps, Building in Height
Then Add Loads, Coach Cued through 2-3 sets
2 Snatch Pulls
Rest 10 sec
1 Snatch
Snatch (Squat Snatch
Every 90 seconds x 8 Sets
2 Snatch Pulls, Touch & Go
Rest 10 seconds
1 Squat Snatch)
You will perform 2 Snatch Pulls with the focus on maintaining an upright torso with tension throughout the pull, then set the bar down, reset and hit a quality single on the Snatch.
% is Based on 1RM Squat Snatch
Looking for sets to be done @ 80-90% of 1RM.
Record Each Working Weight
“Climbing To Freedom" (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10:00 AMRAP
12 Wall Balls
8 Deadlifts
4 Box Jumps
Wall Ball: (Rx 20/14, S 16/12)
Barbell: (Rx 225/155, S 165/125)
Box Height (Rx30/24, S 24/20″)
Goal: 6+ Rounds
Primary Objective : Move smoothly between each station with minimal transition time. Push for unbroken Wall Balls and Deadlifts, then attack the Box Jumps confidently.
Secondary Objective: Consistent Pace Round to Round
Stimulus: High-intensity Triplet /Posterior Chain Dominant
RPE: ~8/10
Expect to feel breathless but still able to hold form. Pace yourself to avoid early burnout, but push near your threshold for the entire 10-minute duration.
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14
CrossFit Kids MLK Bring a Friend day Jan 20th at 3:30-4:15pm breanne@hgxfit.com to reserve a spot
HomeGrown AthletX - Uniquely Abled Fitness
Warm-up (No Measure)
WB partner stuff
3 wb
3 cals on the ski
3 ring rows
Power Snatch (2 snatch high pulls
1 power snatch or hang power snatch)
Skills (Ring dips and pull-ups)
Work for 10 minutes on ring dip progressions and pull-up progressions.
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14
CrossFit Kids MLK Bring a Friend day Jan 20th at 3:30-4:15pm breanne@hgxfit.com to reserve a spot
HomeGrown AthletX - Mom's Strength Conditioning
Warmup (No Measure)
1min Machine
Leg Swings
Bootstrap Squats
Glute Bridges
Banded Pass Throughs
Band Pull Aparts
Banded Good Mornings
A: 3 Sets (Weight)
A1. 8-10 Staggered Stance RDL w/Hip IR
A2. 10 Dead Bugs
B: 3 Sets (2 Rounds for weight)
B1. 8 Seated DB Press
B2. 8 Bent Over 3-Point Rows
Pregnancy Mobilities (No Measure)
Puppy Pose - 10 breaths
Offset Cat Cow - 10/side
Internal Rotation Sit Backs - 10 w/breath
Adductor Rock Backs - 10/side
Lying Down Figure 4 - 10 breaths/side
Forward Fold - 10 breaths