Archives for July 2023

July 25, 2023 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Tue, Jul 25

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality

8 Inchworm Push-Ups

10 Alternating Scorpions

12 Alternating Box Step-Ups 24/20’’

:14 / :14 second Single Arm Plank Hold

B: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

"The Anvil"

3 Sets


Burpee Box Jump Overs, (Rx24/20, S 20/16″)

Bench Press (Rx155/105, S 125/85)

Rest 1:1 between sets

Score: Total time combined of 3 sets

Primary Objective: Complete each set sub 4:00 minutes

Secondary Objective: Practice various styles of jumping up and over the box. Particularly in your warm up.

C: Accessories (3 Sets, For Quality
:15 second Ring Support Hold
15 Banded Face Pulls
15 Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Flys )

July 24, 2023 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Mon, Jul 24

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets, For Quality

2:00 Cardio Choice

8 Dual Dumbbell Front Squats , light to moderate load

10/10 Single Leg Dumbbell Glute Bridge

10/10 Bird Dogs w/Pause

:30 second Scapular Pull-Ups

B: Metcon (No Measure)

"Stone Cold"

20 minute EMOM, Alternating each minute:

Minute 1: 5 Tempo Back Squats @ 55-60% of 1rm

Minute 2: 8/8 Dual DB Bulgarian Split Squats, Moderate Load

Minute 3: Unbroken Set of Strict Pull-Ups

Minute 4: Rest

Primary Objective: Quality movement , holding tempo on the Back Squats. 4 sec lower, 1 sec pause in the bottom position, Xplode up & a 2 sec rest at the top.

Secondary Objective: Maintain unbroken pull-ups to sets of 8+ reps

RPE: 6/10

C: Recovery (No Measure)

1:00 / 1:00 minute Elevated Pigeon Stretch

1:00 minute Seated Chest Stretch

1:00 minute Frog Stretch

1:00 / 1:00 minute Single Leg Forward Fold

July 23, 2023 - No Comments!

HGX-FIT – Sun, Jul 23

HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

Metcon (No Measure)


2 DB Gorilla rows (R+L = 1rep) 50/35

2 DB Burpee to stand

100M run

***Add 2 reps each round***

At the 17min mark.

5 rounds

Unbroken rounds of empty BB

20 BB front squats

20 BB reverse curls

20 BB Shoulder to overhead

***Rest 1:30 b/t rounds***

July 22, 2023 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Sat, Jul 22

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality

1:00 minute Row

:30/:30 Standing Tricep Stretch

10 Bootstrap Squats

10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridges

:20 second Glute Bridge Hold

B: Metcon (No Measure)

Strength / Movement

12:00 Running Clock

4-5 Sets, For Quality

50ft (15m) Bear Crawl Plate Push

50ft (15m) Reverse Bear Crawl Plate Pull

Load: Choice

C: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

“Hurry Up and Wait”

18:00 AMRAP

100 Calorie Row or Ski or 70 Cal Bike

*Partner Holds Dual DB Front Rack Hold (Rx50/35, S 40/25)

100 Wall Balls (Rx 20/14, S 16/12)

*Partner Holds Wall Supported Handstand Hold (A: DB OH hold)

Primary Objective: Create a strategy with your partner that allows for equal workloads whether that be splitting the work evenly or having one do more rowing, while one does more wall balls

Secondary Objective: Complete 2 rounds

July 21, 2023 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Fri, Jul 21


Come hangout this Friday July 21 @ 7PM Blue Oak Brewing

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2-3 Sets

1:00 Echo Bike

15 Banded Goodmornings

8 Walking Inchworm to Hollow Body (1sec pause)

:30 second Scapular Pull-ups

B: Deadlift (Every 4:00 minutes, 4 Sets
Sets 1-2
2 Reps
Rest 30 seconds
2 Rep
Rest 30 seconds
1 Rep
@ 85% across
Sets 3-4
1 Rep
Rest 30 seconds
1 Rep
Rest 30 seconds
1 Rep
@ 90% across )

C: Metcon (Time)


For Time

85/65 Cal Row or Ski or 60/45 Cal Bike

30 Deadlifts (Rx 225/155, S 165/125)

30 Bar Muscle-Ups (A: burpee pull-up)

Time Domain: 9:00-13:00 minutes

Time Cap: 15:00 minutes

The goal today is to hit the echo bike at a clip that is a touch faster than 15/11 cals / minute, before tackling the Deadlifts. We would like to see the Deadlifts done in under 2:00 minutes which would give us 8:00 minutes to complete the 30 Bar Muscle-Ups

Primary Objective: Complete the Bar Muscle-Ups in 7:00 minutes or less

Secondary Objective: Complete the Echo Bike and Deadlifts in 6:00 minutes or less

July 20, 2023 - No Comments!

HGX-FIT – Thu, Jul 20


Come hangout this Friday July 21 @ 7PM Blue Oak Brewing

HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

Bench Press (Every 2min for 6 sets
3 reps. Build to a heavy 3.
Immediately into
5 sets at 80-85% of the above 3reps
Tempo: :03 sec down pause :01 sec at the chest
Rest 1:30 b/t sets)

Metcon (No Measure)

4 sets

10 DB's tricep skull crushers

Max effort, DB's close grip chest press

Max effort, close grip push=ups

July 20, 2023 - No Comments!

Legends – Thu, Jul 20

HomeGrown AthletX - Legends

Metcon (No Measure)

A. Warm up /CARs

B. Balance Work

C. Kettlebell Deadlifts and Swings

D. WOD For Time

1,2000m Row/Erg

25 Burpees

800m Row/Erg

25 Push Ups

600m Row/Erg

25 Air Squats

400m Row/Erg

25 Pullups/Ring Rows

July 20, 2023 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Thu, Jul 20


Come hangout this Friday July 21 @ 7PM Blue Oak Brewing

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality:

10 Alternating Deep Lunge Mountain Climber to Stretch

6-8 Med Ball Thoracic Opener

:30-45 second Dead-Hang

Once you complete the above Mobility work, please move into the General Warm Up for the day:

2 Sets, For Quality:

5/5 Single Arm Ring Row

5/5 Single Leg Dumbbell RDLs

5/5 Single Arm Dumbbell Sots Press

5 Barbell Kang Squats , 45/35lb / 20/15kg

B: Clean and Jerk (Every 2:00 minutes, 5 Sets, Complete the following:
1 Sq Clean
Rest 20 seconds

1 Sq Clean & Jerk
Starting @ 80% of your 1rm Clean and Jerk and increasing the load each set

Primary Objective: Aim to finish @ 90% of your 1rm C&J
***No Misses***)

C: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

"Monkey Business"

11:00 AMRAP

1 Legless Rope Climb (A: 2/1 Rope Climb)

3 Burpee Box Jump Overs (Rx24/20, S 20/16″)

5 Dual DB Hang Clean and Jerk (Rx50/35, S 40/25)

Primary Objective: Legless Rope Climb Efficiency

Secondary Objective: Maintaining 90 seconds or less / round

Stimulus: Gymnastics Density / Upper Body Push / Pull

RPE: 8/10

July 19, 2023 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Wed, Jul 19


Come hangout this Friday July 21 @ 7PM Blue Oak Brewing

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality

1:00 Row or 1:00 Shuttle Run

10 Alternating V-Ups

10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull

:15sec Wall Lean March

6/6 SL Glute Bridge w/pause

B: Metcon (Time)

“Rowdy McRowface”

For Time:

2000m Run

1000m Row or Ski or 30cal bike

1500m Run

750m Row or Ski or 24cal bike

1000m Run

500m Row or Ski or 21cal bike

Time Domain: 30:00-35:00 minutes

Time Cap: 40:00 Minutes

Primary Objective: Descending Splits

Secondary Objective: Completing the workout under the time cap

RPE: 7/10

C: Midline (No Measure)

For Time:



Russian Twist (over and back = 1)

Hollow Hold (sec=rep)

Goal: 8:00-12:00

July 18, 2023 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Tue, Jul 18

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality

1:00 minute Cardio Choice (Ski or Row Prefered)

5 Inchworm Push-Ups

5/5 Half Kneeling Bottoms Up Single Arm Kettlebell Strict Press , light

25/25ft (10/10m) Dual Kettlebell Bottoms Up Waiters Walk , light

:10 second Ring Support Hold + :10 second bottom of Dip Hold

B: Bench Press (Every 2:30 minutes, 5 Sets, Complete the following:
3 reps

Starting @ 75% of your 1rm Bench Press, increase load each set for a heavy triple. A goal percentage would be to finish at 85% of your 1rm Bench Press


C: Metcon (Time)

"Stretch Armstrong"

4 Rounds for Time

10 Power Snatch (Rx 95/65, S 75/55)

5 Wall Walks

15/10 Strict Ring Dips

Rest 1:00 minute between sets

Goal: 2:00 minutes/round

Total Running Time: Sub 11:00 minutes

Time Cap: 15:00

Primary Objective: Consistent pacing across all sets. Fatigue will build and the Wall Walks will get more and more challenging on each round as the arms get fatigued and heart rate elevates.

Secondary Objective: Unbroken Power Snatch Reps

Come on in. Your first class is on us


Give us a call or shoot us a text


Send us an email

Drop on by

551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

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