December 9, 2012 - No Comments!

Monday 12.10.12

As the holiday season is around the corner,  how do you survive it?  One thing that always gets me is people that want you to eat what they are eating, or more than you should.   You know the usual lines “Are you sure?” “Here, let me wrap some up for you.” “But you like brownies with frosting“ “Why don’t you want any?” “You’re not trying to diet again are you?” “Just this one” “It will make grandma happy” etc.

A food pusher is someone that won’t stop trying to make you eat something even though you told him/her that you had enough.  Of course food pushers come in several versions.  There is grandma who waves a tray of mash potatoes with gravy in your face and she really cares about you and most importantly,  she loves you.   So she wants to feel appreciated, because if you eat she will feel good.  So don’t eat to fast,  as long as you have food in your plate, she will feel loved.

The other version of food pusher probably just wants to feel better about himself.  They see that you have been crossfitting, they see that you look amazing and feel awesome and they are jealous.  So they want to feed you as much as possible to feel better about themselves.  Other pushers are really concerned about you, because you are not eating carbs, or because they feel that you truly are depriving yourself of the benefits of processed tofu or bread.

So this holiday season, be aware when somebody is being a food pusher.   Deal with them politely without compromising your nutrition goals.  If you decide to eat just a little more to please them, they will not leave you alone.  So I think that the best policy is simple decline.  Usually, after you repeatedly, but politely say, “No, thank you” they eventually give up, and turn their food pushing onto someone else, so keep that in mind.

Published by: Staff in Workout of the Day

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