February 21, 2020 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Front Squat ((15 min for both Front Squat parts))

On the Minute x 7:

2 Box Front Squats

Sets 1-2: 50% 1RM Front Squat

Sets 3-4: 55% 1RM Front Squat

Sets 5-7: 60% 1RM Front Squat

The goal of the Box Front Squat is to come to a dead stop on the box for a brief moment to stop momentum before standing up aggressively.

Choose a box height that is just below parallel (you can also stack plates)

***You will not rock back onto the box like a traditional Box Back Squat


5 Sets:

1 "One and One Quarter" Front Squat

1 Front Squat

Set 1: 50% 1RM Front Squat

Set 2: 55% 1RM Front Squat

Sets 3-5: 60% 1RM Front Squat

The "one and one quarter front squat" is designed to strengthen the bottom most part of the squat

In the "one and one quarter squat", you'll squat to full depth, stand to about parallel, and then return to the bottom before standing to full extension

Record: Set 5-7 @ 60%

B: Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds of "Nate"

100 Double Unders (150 Single Unders or 10/8 Ski)

4 Rounds of "Nate"

100 Double Unders

3 Rounds of "Nate"

100 Double Unders

2 Rounds of "Nate"

100 Double Unders

1 Round of "Nate"

*"NATE" is 2 Ring Muscle-ups

4 Strict Handstand Push-ups

8 American Kettlebell Swings (R+70/53, Rx 53/44)

**Scale "Nate" to:

2 Strict Chest To Bar

4 Inverted Handstand Pushups, Feet on Box or Strict DB Press

8 Russian KB Swings

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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