December 3, 2022 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 sets for quality
10/7 Cal Echo Bike

8 Strict Knee Raises

:15 Tuck L-Hang

6 Push-Up to Down Dog

B: BMU progressions

Bar Muscle-Up Progression

*Spend 10-15min

C: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

3 Person Team Workout
"The Next Episode"

20:00 AMRAP

Partner 1: 29/21 cal row or ski or 20/15 cal bike

Partner 2: Max Bar Muscle-Ups (A: burpee pull up)

Partner 3: Max Wall Walks (A: go as high up the wall as possible)

*score is total reps and cals

**Rx is BMU

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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