November 4, 2017 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

A: Metcon (No Measure)


1- 10-50ft HS Walk or Bear Crawl or 2-3 Wall Walks

2- 10-15 Pushups

3- 12-15 Box Jumps or Step Ups

B: Metcon (Time)

As a team of 3…

1200m Row (400m each person)(Partner A Rows, Partner B holds KB/Plate/Slamball/ OH, Partner B Rest, rotate until all Partners complete 400m Row each)

120 Ring Rows (other 2 people hang on pullup bar)

1200m Row (Partner A Rows, Partner B lunges

with KB/Plate/Slamball/, Partner B Rest, rotate until all Partners complete 400m Row each)

120 Partner Wallballs

1200m Row (400m each person)(Partner A Rows, Partner B holds KB/Plate/Slamball/ OH, Partner B Rest, rotate until all Partners complete 400m Row each)

120 v-ups (other 2 people hold plank)

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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