October 29, 2016 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class

A: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

“The Great Pumpkin”

Teams of Five, 30 min AMRAP

500m Run with “Pumpkin”

(Everyone must run 500m together with their pumpkin. Carrier pumpkin anyway you want)

250m Walking Lunge with Pumpkin

--Partners resting position holding pumpkin overhead walking with team 250m

100 Nailing the Coffin=Hammer Strikes

--Partners resting position Pumpkin Squats

100 Crossing the graveyard

--Partners resting position holding a plank

100 Wall Balls

--Partners resting position Pumpkin Russian twists

100 Pumpkin sit ups*

--Partners resting position holding a hollow body

50m Team Prowler Pushes*

--Partners resting position is cheering your team on


* Only one person working at a time to contribute for your teams total reps however everyone else on the team will be in a designated resting position.

*Everyone carries a “pumpkin” — either a Medicine Ball (20#/14#), a Slam Ball (20#/15#), or an actual pumpkin (~10-15 lbs).

Each team gets 1 pumpkin and the pumpkin may not touch the ground, or be used for wall balls.

*100 Reps assumes a 5 person team. If the team has more/less members, # of reps = 20 * # of teammates

*Crossing the graveyard: each team member will assume a plank position either on their forearms or on their hands. The team member that is jumping has to jump over each of the planked team members legs. Once they jump over each team member they will position them self in a plank and the next team member will get up and start jumping.

*Pumpkin Sit-ups: 2 partners sit with feet touching. One holds ball overhead while performing a sit-up, tapping ball on ground above the head, then comes up and passes the ball to the other partner who performs the same movement. Other 3 hold a hollow body

*Team Prowler Push(es) = every teammates must ride once on the prowler down and back. The number of teammates who ride at one time and the number of teammates who push the prowler is up to the team.

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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